The Planets (ingame currency)
Planets is the virtual currency for ManiaPlanet games.
You can see your current total of Planets on the ManiaPlanet navigation toolbar on top of your screen.

Gain Planets
There is many ways to gain Planets in ManiaPlanet:
- 20 Planets at the first connexion of the day (per environment owned, i.e: Trackmania² Canyon, Trackmania² Valley, Trackmania² Lagoon, , Shootmania Storm) and 10 planets for Trackmania² Stadium
- 10, 20 or/and 30 Planets following the medals that you earn in official mode in the solo campaigns of the environments (Trackmania² Canyon, Trackmania² Valley, Trackmania² Lagoon, Trackmania² Stadium)
- 100 Planets when you win 1000 Ladder Points
- Bonus month (20 Planets by title/day but it's not implemented yet)
- Sell avatars/scripts/maps/macroblocks/skins/3D models to the players via Manialink webpages.
Spend Planets
But you can spend them in different ways too:
- Several services available on the Maniaplanet website use Planets to do actions (like uploading a map, set a ladder server, test a server on the Nadeo infrastructure, etc.)
- Buying customization stuff from the players in their Manialink webpages ingame.
- The month Planet balance