Settings list for Nadeo gamemodes



Setting Default value Description
S_ChatTime 10 Chat time at the end of a map or match
S_UseClublinks False Use the players clublinks, or otherwise use the default teams
S_UseClublinksSponsors False Display the clublinks sponsors
S_NeutralEmblemUrl "" Url of the neutral emblem url to use by default
S_ScriptEnvironment "production" Environment in which the script runs, used mainly for debugging purpose
S_IsChannelServer False Set the server as a channel server


Setting Default value Description
S_MatchmakingAPIUrl "https://..." URL of the matchmaking API. If you don't plan to use a custom matchmaking function leave this setting at its default value.
S_MatchmakingMatchServers "" A comma separated list of match servers logins
S_MatchmakingMode 0 This is the most important setting. It can take one of these five values : 0 -> matchmaking turned off, standard server; 1 -> matchmaking turned on, use this server as a lobby server; 2 -> matchmaking turned on, use this server as a match server; 3 -> matchmaking turned off, use this server as a universal lobby server; 4 -> matchmaking turned off, use this server as a universal match server.
S_MatchmakingRematchRatio -1. Set the minimum ratio of players that have to agree to play a rematch before launching one. The value range from 0.0 to 1.0. Any negative value turns off the rematch vote.
S_MatchmakingRematchNbMax 2 Maxium number of consecutive rematch
S_MatchmakingVoteForMap False Allow players to vote for the next played map
S_MatchmakingProgressive False Can start a match with less players than the required number
S_MatchmakingWaitingTime 20 Waiting time at the beginning of the matches
S_LobbyRoundPerMap 60 Nb of rounds per map in lobby mode
S_LobbyMatchmakerPerRound 6 Set how many times the matchmaking function is called before ending the current round of King of the Lobby
S_LobbyMatchmakerWait 2 Set the waiting time before calling the matchmaking function again
S_LobbyMatchmakerTime 8 Duration of the matchmaking function. It allows the players to see who they will play their match with or cancel it if necessary.
S_LobbyInstagib False Use the Laser instead of the Rocket in the lobby.
S_LobbyDisplayMasters True Display a list of Masters players in the lobby
S_LobbyDisableUI False Disable lobby UI
S_LobbyAggressiveTransfer True Enable or disable the aggressive transfert mechanism
S_KickTimedOutPlayers True Kick timed out players
S_MatchmakingErrorMessage "..." This message is displayed in the chat to inform the players that an error occured in the matchmaking system
S_MatchmakingLogAPIError False Log the API errors. You can activate it if something doesn't work and you have to investigate. Otherwise it's better to leave it turned off because this can quickly write huge log files.
S_MatchmakingLogAPIDebug False Same as above, only turn it on if necessary
S_MatchmakingLogMiscDebug False Same as above, only turn it on if necessary
S_ProgressiveActivation_WaitingTime 180000 Average waiting time before progressive matchmaking activate
S_ProgressiveActivation_PlayersNbRatio 1 Multiply the required players nb by this, if there's less player in the lobby activate progressive



Setting Default value Description
S_AllowRespawn True Allow the players to respawn or not
S_RespawnBehaviour 0 This setting control the behavior of the respawn button. It overrides the respawn behavior set by the game mode script and the S_AllowRespawn setting. It can takes one of the following values: 0 -> use the game mode value , 1 -> normal (respawn when pressing the button), 2 -> do nothing, 3 -> give up before first checkpoint, respawn after, 4 -> always give up
S_HideOpponents False Do not display the opponents cars
S_UseLegacyXmlRpcCallbacks True Turn on/off the legacy xmlrpc callbacks


Setting Default value Description
S_PointsLimit 100 Points limit
S_FinishTimeout -1 Finish timeout (-1 automatic based on author time)
S_UseAlternateRules False Use alternate rules
S_ForceLapsNb -1 Force number of laps (-1 to use the map default)
S_DisplayTimeDiff False Display time difference at checkpoint
S_PointsRepartition "" Comma separated points distribution. eg: "10,6,4,3,2,1"

Chase (+Matchmaking)

Setting Default value Description
S_TimeLimit 900 Time limit (0 to disable, -1 automatic based on author time)
S_MapPointsLimit 3 Map points limit
S_RoundPointsLimit -5 Round points limit (0 to disable, negative values automatic based on number of checkpoints)
S_RoundPointsGap 3 The number of round points lead a team must have to win the round
S_GiveUpMax 1 Maximum number of give up per team
S_MinPlayersNb 3 Minimum number of players in a team
S_ForceLapsNb 10 Number of Laps (-1 to use the map default, 0 to disable laps limit)
S_FinishTimeout -1 Finish timeout (-1 automatic based on author time)
S_DisplayWarning True Display a big red message in the middle of the screen of the player that crosses a checkpoint when it wasn't it's turn
S_CompetitiveMode False Use competitive mode
S_PauseBetweenRound 20 Pause duration between rounds
S_WaitingTimeMax 600 Maximum waiting time before next map
S_WaypointEventDelay 500 Waypoint event buffer delay
S_WarmUpNb 0 Number of warm up
S_WarmUpDuration 0 Duration of one warm up
S_NbPlayersPerTeamMax 3 Maximum number of players per team in matchmaking
S_NbPlayersPerTeamMin 3 Minimum number of players per team in matchmaking

Chase Attack

Setting Default value Description
S_TimeLimit 300 Time limit (0 to disable, -1 automatic based on author time)
S_ForceLapsNb -1 Number of Laps (-1 to use the map default, 0 to disable laps limit)
S_FinishTimeout 5 Finish timeout (-1 automatic based on author time)
S_DisplayWarning True Display a big red message in the middle of the screen of the player that crosses a checkpoint when it wasn't it's turn
S_WaypointEventDelay 300 Waypoint event buffer delay
S_WarmUpNb 0 Number of warm up
S_WarmUpDuration 0 Duration of one warm up

Cup (+RoundsBase) (+Matchmaking)

Setting Default value Description
S_RoundsPerMap 5 Rounds per map
S_NbOfWinners 3 Number of winners before ending the match
S_WarmUpNb 0 Number of warm up
S_WarmUpDuration 0 Duration of one warm up
S_NbOfPlayersMax 4 Maximum number of players in matchmaking
S_NbOfPlayersMin 4 Minimum number of players in matchmaking


Setting Default value Description
S_TimeLimit 0 Time limit (0 to disable, -1 automatic based on author time)
S_ForceLapsNb 5 Number of Laps (-1 to use the map default)
S_FinishTimeout -1 Finish timeout (-1 automatic based on author time)
S_WarmUpNb 0 Number of warm up
S_WarmUpDuration 0 Duration of one warm up
S_DisableGiveUp False Prevent players from giving up the race

Rounds (+RoundsBase)

Setting Default value Description
S_PointsLimit 50 Points limit (negative value to disable)
S_RoundsPerMap -1 Number of round to play on one map before going to the next one (negative value to disable)
S_MapsPerMatch -1 Number of maps to play before finishing the match (negative value to disable)
S_UseTieBreak True Continue to play the map until the tie is broken
S_WarmUpNb 0 Number of warm up
S_WarmUpDuration 0 Duration of one warm up

Team (+RoundsBase) (+Matchmaking)

Setting Default value Description
S_PointsLimit 5 Points limit
S_MaxPointsPerRound 6 The maximum number of points attributed to the first player to cross the finish line
S_PointsGap 1 The number of points lead a team must have to win the map
S_UseCustomPointsRepartition False Use a custom points repartition defined with xmlrpc
S_CumulatePoints False At the end of the round both teams win their players points
S_RoundsPerMap -1 Number of rounds to play on one map before going to the next one (0 or less to disable)
S_MapsPerMatch -1 Number of maps to play before finishing the match (0 or less to disable)
S_UseTieBreak True Continue to play the map until the tie is broken
S_WarmUpNb 0 Number of warm up
S_WarmUpDuration 0 Duration of one warm up
S_NbPlayersPerTeamMax 3 Maximum number of players per team in matchmaking
S_NbPlayersPerTeamMin 3 Minimum number of players per team in matchmaking


Setting Default value Description
S_TimeLimit 300 Time limit
S_WarmUpNb 0 Number of warm up
S_WarmUpDuration 0 Duration of one warm up
S_ForceLapsNb 0 Number of Laps (-1 to use the map default, 0 to disable laps limit)



Setting Default value Description
S_AutoManageAFK False Switch inactive players to spectator mode

Battle Fun & Pro (+Matchmaking)

Setting Default value Description
S_TimeLimitForFirstCapture 300 Time limit for first capture
S_TimeLimitAfterFirstCapture 600 Time limit after first capture
S_WaveDuration 15 Wave duration
S_StayInAttackOnCapture True Reset timer when a pole is beeing captured
S_CaptureMaxValue 30 Pole capture time (seconds)
S_UseOvertime True Use the overtime system
S_MapsToWin 1 Number of maps to win a match
S_RoundsToWin 2 Points to win a map
S_RoundGapToWin 1 Minimum gap between the two teams to win a map
S_RoundsLimit 3 Point limit on map
S_WarmUpDuration 0 Warm up duration (seconds)
S_AllowBeginners False Is a Beginners Welcome server
S_NbPlayersPerTeamMax 0 Maximum number of players per team (0: no max)
S_NbPlayersPerTeamMin 1 Minumum number of players per team
S_DisplayTopsRound True Display the tops at the end of the round
S_DisplayTopsMap True Display the tops at the end of the map
S_DisplayTopsOnlyShooter False Only display the shooter top
S_DisplayPoleRecords False Display pole running time record
S_AutoBalance True Use auto balance at the start of the map
S_AutoBalanceRound True Use auto balance at the end of the round
S_AutoBalanceDelta 2 Maximum difference of players number before autobalance

Combo (+Matchmaking)

Setting Default value Description
S_NbPlayersPerTeamMax 2 Number of players per team (Max. 5)
S_NbPlayersPerTeamMin 2 Minimum number of players per team in matchmaking
S_PointsLimit 3 Points limit (0: No points limit)
S_RoundTimeLimit 300 Round time limit (0: No time limit)
S_WarmUpDuration 90 Warmup duration (0: disabled)
S_AllowUnbalancedTeams False Allow a game to begin without the same number of players in each team
S_UseArmorReduction False Reduce the armor of players above two armor points
S_ArmorMax 4 Maximum number of armors a player can have
S_SpawnProtectionTime 2 Invincibility time after spawn
S_RespawnAmmo 0.5 Ratio of ammo reloaded at respawn

Elite (+Matchmaking)

Setting Default value Description
S_Mode 0 Mode 0: classic, 1: free
S_TimeLimit 60 Time for an attack on a map
S_TimePole 15 Time allowed to reach the pole by the end of the attack
S_TimeCapture 1.5 Time to capture a pole for the attack clan (* NbPoles)
S_WarmUpDuration 90 Duration of the warmup (-1 to disable)
S_MapWin 2 How many maps a clan has to win to win the match
S_TurnWin 9 Number of points to win a map
S_TurnGap 2 Points lead necessary to win a map
S_TurnLimit 15 Maximum number of points before next map
S_DeciderTurnLimit 20 Points limit on decider map
S_QuickMode False Multiplier for the sleep times between rounds
S_WarnWhenSpectating False Send a message in the chat when a player switch to spectator mode
S_DisplaySponsors True Display the sponsors of the attacker when spectating them
S_RestartMatchOnTeamChange False Restart the match after the warm up if the teams have changed
S_UseDraft False Use draft mode at match beginning
S_DraftBanNb 4 Number of map to ban during draft
S_DraftPickNb 3 Number of map to pick during draft
S_NbPlayersPerTeamMax 3 Maximum number of players per team in matchmaking
S_NbPlayersPerTeamMin 2 Minimum number of players per team in matchmaking
S_DisplayRulesReminder True Display a window with the rules when the match begins

Joust (+Matchmaking)

Setting Default value Description
S_RoundPointsToWin 7 Round points to win
S_RoundPointsGap 2 Round points gap
S_RoundPointsLimit 11 Round points limit
S_RoundTimeLimit 0 Round time limit (0 to disable)
S_PoleTimeLimit 45 Pole capture time limit
S_MatchPointsToWin 3 Match points to win
S_MatchPointsGap 0 Match points gap
S_MatchPointsLimit 3 Match points limit
S_UseWarmup False Start with a warmup


Setting Default value Description
S_TimeLimit 6001 Time limit on a map. Setting a negative value disables the limit
S_PointLimit 25 Points limit on a map. Setting a negative value disables the limit

Royal Fun (+Matchmaking)

Setting Default value Description
S_MapPointsLimit 200 Points to win a map
S_PoleCaptureTime 4 Pole's capture time
S_OffZoneAutoStartTime 90 Time before auto activation of the tornado
S_OffZoneShrinkDuration 45 Tornado shrink duration
S_EndRoundTimeLimit 60 Time limit after the tornado is completly shrunk
S_SpawnInterval 5 Time between each wave of spawns
S_OffZoneMinRadius 16. Final size of the tornado
S_NbPlayersMax 24 Maximum number of players in a matchmaking match
S_NbPlayersMin 2 Minimum number of players in a matchmaking match
S_MapsPerMatch 5 Number of maps before the end of the matchmaking match

Royal Pro (+Matchmaking)

Setting Default value Description
S_MapPointsLimit 200 Points to win a map
S_OffZoneActivationTime 4 Tornado activation duration
S_OffZoneAutoStartTime 90 Time before auto activation of the tornado
S_OffZoneTimeLimit 50 Tornado shrink duration
S_OffZoneMaxSpeed 1.25 Maximum speed multiplier for the tornado
S_OffZoneMinRadius 16. Final size of the tornado
S_EndRoundTimeLimit 60 Time limit after the tornado is completly shrunk
S_SpawnInterval 5 Time between each wave of spawns
S_UseEarlyRespawn True Allow early respawn
S_EndMapChatTime 20 End map chat time
S_MultiClans True Allow multi clans mode
S_MinPlayersNbPerClan 3 Minimum number of players per clan
S_ReloadSpeed 1. Reload speed
S_StartingArmor 2 Starting armor amount
S_ResetScoreLeavers False Reset the score of the players that left the game
S_DisableWidgets False Disable the UI widgets (tops and players remaining)
S_NbPlayersMax 24 Maximum number of players in a matchmaking match
S_NbPlayersMin 2 Minimum number of players in a matchmaking match
S_MapsPerMatch 5 Number of maps before the end of the matchmaking match

Royal Squad

Setting Default value Description
S_UseRoundLimit False Use the rounds limit to end match
S_MapPointsLimit 400 Points to win a map
S_MapRoundsLimit 5 Rounds after map ends
S_OffZoneActivationTime 4 Tornado activation duration
S_OffZoneAutoStartTime 90 Time before auto activation of the tornado
S_OffZoneTimeLimit 70 Tornado shrink duration
S_OffZoneMaxSpeed 1. Maximum speed multiplier for the tornado
S_OffZoneMinRadius 13. Minimum size of the OffZone at the end
S_EndRoundTimeLimit 60 Time limit after the tornado is completly shrunk
S_SpawnInterval 0 Time between each wave of spawns
S_UseEarlyRespawn True Allow early respawn
S_RegenPerHit 100 Amount of armor restored when healing a teamate
S_ReloadRocketGain 3. Rocket reload speed multiplier
S_RocketAmmo 4 Rocket ammo number
S_HitComboForBonus 3 The numbers of hit recquired to rise the hit value
S_TeamCreationTimer 30 Time for the team creation sequence
S_ResetScoreLeavers False Reset the score of the players that left the game
S_DisableWidgets False Disable the UI widgets (tops and players remaining)

Royal XP (+Matchmaking)

Setting Default value Description
S_MapPointsLimit 200 Points to win a map
S_PoleCaptureTime 4 Pole's capture time
S_OffZoneAutoStartTime 90 Time before auto activation of the tornado
S_OffZoneShrinkDuration 45 Tornado shrink duration
S_EndRoundTimeLimit 60 Time limit after the tornado is completly shrunk
S_SpawnInterval 5 Time between each wave of spawns
S_OffZoneMinRadius 16. Final size of the tornado
S_ShopTime 5 Time to shop at the beginning of the round
S_NbPlayersMax 24 Maximum number of players in a matchmaking match
S_NbPlayersMin 2 Minimum number of players in a matchmaking match
S_MapsPerMatch 5 Number of maps before the end of the matchmaking match

Siege (+Matchmaking)

Setting Default value Description
S_TimeBetweenCapture 0 Minimum time between two captures (0 = unlimited)
S_CaptureTimeLimit 45 Time limit to capture one goal (0 = unlimited)
S_CaptureTimeBonus 10 Bonus time for capturing
S_GoalCaptureTime 4.5 Time to capture a gate in seconds
S_NbRoundMax 5 Set a winner after xx rounds (0 = unlimited)
S_MapsToWin 1 Number of maps to win the match (0 = don't do match)
S_WarmUpDuration 0 Duration of the warm up round (0 = no warmup)
S_NbPlayersPerTeamMin 1 Wait until this minimum is reach before starting the map
S_NbPlayersPerTeamMax 0 Do not spawn players beyond this limit, 0=no limit
S_UseSuddenDeathMode True Do not allow a team to win on first turn
S_AutoBalance True Use auto balance at the start of the map
S_WeaponMode 2 0: Rocket vs Laser, 1: WeaponSelection, 2: WeaponSwitch, 3: Store
S_UseOldCaptureMode False Capture only one gate per checkpoint instead of all the gates
S_AtkNbIncreaseCaptureSpeed False More attackers on gate means faster capture
S_CaptureThreshold 300 Time (in ms) before the activation/annulation of the capture
S_GatesStopDefenders True Don't let defenders go through closed gates

Warlords (+Matchmaking)

Setting Default value Description
S_WorldFile "..." World file to load
S_MaxYearsCount 20 Years before sudden death
S_GoldPerCastlePerYear 100 Gold per planet per year
S_TurnDuration 50 Turn duration (in seconds)
S_Battle_MaxTime 90 Maximum time to capture a gate (in seconds)
S_RandomizeStartPointsChoice True Automatically attribute capitals