Create a ManiaApp

Basic ManiaApp

A ManiaApp is a ManiaLink that is an application. Here is a minimal ManiaApp application :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        #RequireContext CManiaApp

        main() {    
            log("Hello ManiaApp");

            while (True) {

You must write the RequireContext directive and the while (True) condition (with yield;) to make it work.

To observe the result without any web server, you must create your files in My documents\ManiaPlanet\Media\Manialinks\YourManiaApp.xml Then past the link file://Media/Manialinks/YourManiaApp.xml in your Maniaplanet browser.

You should see Hello Maniaplanet logged in your console when you open your debugger with CTRL + G.


A layer is a ManiaLink that interact with its owner ; the ManiaApp. The ManiaApp can handle, display and communicate with many layers (ManiaLink).

To display or interact with a ManiaLink from your ManiaApp, you must declare it as a CUILayer and modify its properties.

Below is an exemple of a ManiaApp creating and loading a layer :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        #RequireContext CManiaApp

        main() {    
            declare CUILayer MyLayer;

            MyLayer = UILayerCreate();
            MyLayer.IsVisible = True; 
            MyLayer.ManialinkPage = ManiaAppBaseUrl ^ "Layer_MyLayer.xml";

            while (True) {
  • IsVisible allow you to hide or display your layer.
  • ManialinkPage is the absolute path of you layer file. When the ManialinkPage property is filled, your layer will load.
  • ⚠ ️ManiaAppBaseUrl is the absolute path, handled by the server, where your ManiaApp is.

The layer (ManiaLink) :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<manialink version="3">
    <quad pos="-38 16" z-index="0" size="65 30" bgcolor="29B1B1AA"/>
    <label pos="-27 5" z-index="0" size="45 11" text="My ManiaApp" textemboss="1" textsize="8"/>

        main() {
            log("Layer_MyLayer.xml loaded!");

            while (True) {

It will show a square with a label inside with the text My ManiaApp.

Sharing data from ManiaApp to Layer

You must declare a variable for the LocalPage of your Layer. The Layer must have the same variable name declared for its Page. You can then set the value of this variable and it will be transmitted to the Layer.

Exemple :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        #RequireContext CManiaApp

        main() {    
            declare CUILayer MyLayer;

            MyLayer = UILayerCreate();
            MyLayer.IsVisible = True; 
            MyLayer.ManialinkPage = ManiaAppBaseUrl ^ "Layer_MyLayerAgain.xml";

            // The variables WelcomeMessage must be declared after MyLayer /!\
            declare Text WelcomeMessage for MyLayer.LocalPage;
            WelcomeMessage = "Hello from ManiaApp!";

            while (True) {

And the ManiaLink :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<manialink version="3">
        main() {
            declare Text WelcomeMessage for Page;

            while (True) {

It will log Hello from ManiaApp! in the console.


You can send any custom event to your ManiaApp from your Layer.

Use the SendCustomEvent() function with the name of the event and additional data that you want to transmit to the ManiaApp.

ManiaApp example that receives a custom event:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        #RequireContext CManiaApp

        main() {  
            declare CUILayer MyLayer;

            MyLayer = UILayerCreate();
            MyLayer.IsVisible = True; 
            MyLayer.ManialinkPage = ManiaAppBaseUrl ^ "Layer_MyEvent.xml";

            while (True) {
                  foreach (Event in PendingEvents) {
                    if (Event.Type != CManiaAppEvent::EType::LayerCustomEvent) {
                    switch (Event.CustomEventType) {
                        case "Square_Click": {
                            log("The square has been clicked !");


Note : Don’t forget to set scriptevents value to 1 to accept events from the quad element.

For the Layer:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<manialink version="3">
    <quad id="MySquare" pos="-38 16" z-index="0" size="65 30" bgcolor="29B1B1AA" scriptevents="1"/>
    <label pos="-27 5" z-index="0" size="45 11" text="My ManiaApp" textemboss="1" textsize="8"/>

        main() {
            while (True) {
                foreach (Event in PendingEvents) {
                    if (Event.Type == CMlScriptEvent::Type::MouseClick) {
                        SendCustomEvent("Square_Click", [Event.ControlId]);


This will output The square has been clicked! when you click on it.